The latest TooF has hit the portal :)
I have the next episode voiced out and am ready to animate it. After that though, I think I'm going to take a TooF break and work on something new. I plan on still making episodes of TooF from time to time or more consistently than that but it didn't really get going as well as I was hoping for it to.
So instead of sitting and whining about it, I'm going to try something new. I am working with my friend to try and hash out a new original series. We shall see how that goes! I'm definitely not going to stop animating again though... It's too much fun.
Just gotta find the next idea that will pick up more quickly than rebooting an old one ;)
After Toof comes...TONGUE!
LOL! Nah, it's a big departure from TooF, that's for sure.