Check it out, yeah?
I spent the last 4 days wearing out the ass cushioning in my seat making this. Most of one of the days doing a crappy fire animation... Ohhhhhh how I long for artistic skill :(
Anywho, I liked how I stepped up the pace with this one and jumped into the action a bit faster. The script let me do it, so I ran with it. We'll see how the next one goes. I have a couple different concepts in mind for it... We'll see what sticks :)
I liked this one too. I wish we could have seen what Snipe toof looked like though. I bet it was Snake Toof's twin or something.
Also, poor fluffy. R.I.P.
There were a few versions of the script where you got to see him but I just didn't think it did a lot for the story so I didn't do a scene for him.